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Brock Howell

Why more lanes ≠ faster travel

It would make simple, intuitive sense that adding more travel lanes would result in less congestion and faster travel times. But in actual practice, more lanes almost always leads to more cars stuck in traffic and no travel time savings in the long wrong. Here are a few videos that help explain.

Judge Lina Hidalgo of Harris County, Texas explains why a new highway won't relieve congestion. (A "judge" in Texas is the equivalent of a county executive.)

Runtime: 1 minute (start at 5:10)

TVO Today in Ontario, Canada

Runtime: 1 minute, 30 seconds

Vox: How highways make traffic worse

Runtime 6:03

City Nerd: Induced Demand & Roadway Widening: Everything You Always Wanted to Know (and Weren't Afraid to Ask)

Runtime: 14:51

Not Just Bikes: "More Lanes are (Still) a Bad Thing"

Runtime: 24:41

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